Working with Text in 3.0

• May 15, 2019 - 01:37

I enjoyed the flexibility offered by the previous version when it came to adding text. For example, if I wanted to put a performance note at the bottom of the page I could simply attach it to a note at the bottom of the page and drag it there. Now, it seems everything I write will only be allowed in one place in the staff. Similarly, I wanted to show the date I composed my piece at the top of the score, opposite my name. Again I cannot figure out how to do it. Is there any way to simply freely add text wherever you want to? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Text can be freely moved once you select it and remove the check for Automatic Placement in the inspector (F8). If all you want to do is move it below the staff then select it and press X or change the location to below in the inspector. The inspector is more valuable in version 3 than it was in version 2. Also, in version 3.1 it'll be even easier.

Neither of things you describe should have been done with text attached to note even in older versions. If you want text int he title frame, then add it there directly - right-click the frame, Add / Text. To add text in a frame after your last system of music, add a new frame with Add / Frames / Append Text Frame. Or use the footer. Same in MuseScore 2 as 3. Attaching text to a note is the right thing to do only if you actually want it to display near that note.

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