How To Make In-Between Lines Of The Staves Invisible?

• Jun 4, 2019 - 10:34

I want to make in-between lines of the staves invisible. They'll look like rectangular boxes.

So that I'll be able to write chord degrees of chord symbols there.

How to do that?


In reply to by zanshin777

It's not clear why you'd want a clef if there are no notes, I'd recommend turning clefs off. But anyhow, seems you've done something wrong, the clef should be still on the staff, if not exactly where you'd want it. better to attach actual scores than pictures, so we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by zanshin777

Looks like you're using an extremely old version of MuseScore, this will limit you in terms of what's possible and how easy it is to do what is possible. Still, it is possible to get the results even in that older version.

In the current version of MuseScore (3.1), the clefs are positioned better by default, but as I said, there is really no reason for you to be showing clefs at all here - in fact, it's just confusing and misleading. So, right-click the staff, Staff Properties, uncheck "Show clefs". All of your rests are displaced for some reason as well, best to select them all (right-click one, Select / All Similar Elements) and reset them with Ctrl+R to avoid problems that can result from this.

I see you've also used "rehearsal marks" for the Roman numeral analysis, that causes problems as that is not what these are for. In the future, better to use staff text for this, then you won't need to manually adjust everything to workaround those problems. You can customize the style settings to make everything positioned perfectly by default with no need to manually adjust anything. In 3.1, for instance, you would manually position one such text, use the Inspector to get the size and other attributes as you want, then hit the "set as style" buttons next to any fields you customize so all staff text comes out the same way (or one of the User styles for this).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok. I installed MuseScore 3.1 now.

As you see I use "Staff Text" for both;

a) Representing roman numerals of chord degrees and It's placed on the staff lines.

b) Notes about everything and It's placed above the staff lines.

How to set two different specs for the purposes a) and b) in a single MuseScore Sheet for Staff Text?

In reply to by zanshin777

Actually, your score does not use staff text for Roman numerals, as I said, it uses rehearsal marks. Using staff text would be much better.

As we have explained previously, t have different styles of taff text in the same score, simply use the Inspector to change the text style to one of the User styles, which you can then customize. However, in this case, I'd recommend using system text for the text you want placed above the staff. That way you can continue using staff text for the Roman numerals, and in just a matter of seconds, have everything set up perfectly in a way that means you'll never need to perform manual adjustments for any of this again. Just:

1) enter some text above the staff using system text, customize its appearance as you like using Inspector, then press "set as style"
2) enter one Roman numeral using staff text, move it onto the staff with the arrow keys or Inspector, customize its appearance, hit "set as style" everywhere it is enabled (including "Offset" and "Minimum distance"

Then if you have other text you'd like to have a different appearance than either of these, you can possibly use "Expression Text" (Ctrl+E), or just use staff text but use the Inspector to assign it one of the User styles.

Another possibility is to use Lyrics for the Roman numeral analysis, if you aren't using them otherwise.

In reply to by zanshin777

I see originally you posted something else asking questions about the process, so let me clarify.

I would recommend entering all chords first, then all Roman numerals - it will go faster that way. Both because you can enter the chord symbol extremely quicky (just space Space to go to the near beat or tab to go to the next measure then enter another, etc). And if you save one such score to your Templates folder, then those settings will be there by default in every score you create from that template - no need to load styles into new scores. You'd only need to load a style to use this approach for scores you've already created, and you'd do it only once per score.

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