Hacked Score
I have a score with no notes, measures, or anything- just a blank page with a title. I cant delete the score, add any measures or notes or anything to it. I just want to get rid of it but don't know how. I've tried everything. I can't even upload the file to report it.
Select it in your operating systems file manager and delete it.
In reply to Select it in your operating… by mike320
It doesn’t show up in my file manager
In reply to It doesn’t show up in my… by dfitzg21
then it either doesn't exist or you're looking at the wrong spot
In reply to then it etiher doesn't exist… by Jojo-Schmitz
Where should I be looking? It does exist.
In reply to Where should I be looking?… by dfitzg21
See https://musescore.org/en/node/52116, it lists several non-obvious places where files might be stored
In reply to Where should I be looking?… by dfitzg21
You are obviously seeing it somewhere then, first question is where? The Start Center perhaps? And you can open it from there? Go to File / Score Properties and it should tell you the file path.
But see also my other comment - I'm betting there is actually nothing wrong this score that turning off "Hide empty staves" wouldn't fix.
In reply to You are obviously seeing it… by Marc Sabatella
“Hide empty staves” was turned off. I can see the score when I open the musescore program on my computer. If I try to export the score or use “save as” to get it onto my desktop, it’ll just duplicate the score and I’ll be able to delete one of them, but not the other.
In reply to “Hide empty staves” was… by dfitzg21
As Marc said, you need to open File->Score properties and look at the File Path at the very top of the window. Use your file manager to navigate to that folder and you will find the score. All of your "It doesn't exist" claims are impossible.
In reply to As Marc said, you need to… by mike320
Ok I found the file path and just copied and pasted that into my file manager but it still does not show up there.
In reply to Ok I found the file path and… by dfitzg21
What is that file path?
Maybe the file in Microsoft's so called 'Virtual Store'?
In reply to “Hide empty staves” was… by dfitzg21
Wait, this is the default score you see when you open MuseScore? This is something built in MsueScore, there is indeed no physical file to delete. But, it's not empty - it has 32 measures. If you are seeing something empty, perhaps you customized your preferences to open some other score? Go to Edit / Preferences and see.
If after following all this advice you still are having trouble, please attach screenshot of what you see (the whole MsueScore window) and also your Edit / Preferences settings.
FWIW, if adding measures does not appear to work, probably it has "Hide empty staves" enabled, and you'll see all the measures you added if you go to Format / Style and turn that option off.