Basic to Advanced
When I downloaded Musescore onto my computer, I clicked Basic mode because I didn't know what I was doing. I am wondering if there is a large difference between Basic and Advanced? Is there a way to switch to Advanced, and if so, should I? Thanks!
It can't get easier, just click on "Basic" and then select "Advanced". It it is too much, switch back to Basic
Handbook for the rescue:
In reply to It can't get easier, just… by Jojo-Schmitz
Wow, I feel extremely dumb. I didn't even notice that button in the corner! Thanks so much for your help.
And the question if you should switch to the advanced workspace, is your own decision, in case you need the one or other element which is only available there. The good news, you can always switch back to the basic workspace.
In reply to And the question if you… by kuwitt
Thank you!
In reply to Thank you! by Emma Van Dorn
I always use a custom workspace because basic is too basic and advanced is too advanced. Custom workspaces are great once you take a couple of minutes to set them up to your liking. If you find out you missed something, it's easy to add the item. If you need something once in a great while, the master palette is one key away. See