How to enter notes after deleting a triplet

• Aug 3, 2019 - 01:50

Hi, I deleted some triplets, but now I can't put notes where they used to be. What am I doing wrong?

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Three_on_four_timing.png 65.66 KB


In reply to by krjackson

Somehow when you "deleted" the notes it left a whole rest rather than a half rest for them. I selected the wrong measure, deleted the whole thing and reentered the notes.


When I asked how did you delete them, I need to know what did you select and how? Did you select the triplet bracket? Did you click a note, delete, right arrow to the next note delete and so on? Did you click the first note then shift+click the last note then delete?

The reason I ask is that there is a bug that needs fixed and we need to know how to duplicate it to fix it in a future release.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks a lot for the reply. I can't remember the order, but I did select the triplet bracket with the mouse and deleted it (with the delete key). Then I think I selected the notes with the mouse (and used shift-arrow to get the rest of the notes) and pressed the delete key (using an external keyboard on a mac).

In reply to by krjackson

Selecting the bracket and pressing delete is supposed to delete the bracket and all notes under it. It's kind of a shortcut to deleting a tuplet with one key stroke rather than having to select several note and delete. I've tried a few ways to make the corruption, but I can't. If you run across this again, then try to remember how you did it so you can report it and it can be fixed.

You only posted a small portion of a score. I'm curious if the actual score was made in an earlier version?

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