My sonata file went corrupt, What?

• Sep 3, 2019 - 18:19

Okay, I swear, I put in those triplets the correct way. But I get this message when I try to open it and I look at the details:

Measure 182, staff 1 incomplete. Expected 4/4; Found 26/24;

Measure 182, that is the first movement, where I have the violin and viola play triplets in octaves(and they are arpeggios, not straight up octave triplets like the previous).

Nothing like this happened last night. I was able to open the sonata file just fine. And the triplets at measure 182 looked normal. But somehow, the violin staff of measure 182 went corrupt. I need some help ASAP to fix this issue. With this issue, I can't go further on to the rondo and finish arranging the sonata.

Just so you know, I tried forcing the measure into 4/4 by putting in a 4/4 time signature in there from the palatte, but that didn't work(I was hoping it would force that double dotted sixteenth rest to become an eighth rest in the triplet) Here is the file:

Attachment Size
Piano_Sonata_in_C_minor.mscz 66.97 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Oh, I didn't know that fixing a corrupt measure could be so simple as exchanging voices in the surrounding measures and then back again. I thought it would require going deep into the code and figuring out where exactly the corruption is. I will try that method of exchanging the voices and see if that works.

If the violin is supposed to be in the same rhythmic pattern as the viola, as it is in the next measure, it surely isn't. The violin isn't triplets at all; I can't even figure out what it is visually. Delete the entire measure and start again.

Well, I was able to fix the issue. I had to delete the contents of both measures 182 and 183 in the violin staff, make sure it was 4/4 and no extra rests showed up, and then put in the triplets manually and file is no longer corrupt. Thank you everyone. I hope it doesn't happen again.

In reply to by mike320

I don't know either. It makes me wonder, since the first triplet was incomplete, i.e it had a rest in it, that maybe incomplete triplets makes the file more prone to corruption, especially if the rest is at the beginning of the triplet(as it was in my sonata file before it went corrupt).

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