Looking for MuseScore 2 output from PDF converter

• Sep 10, 2019 - 19:45

I have Musescore 2, which sends me to https://musescore.com/import
for importing a pdf, but the output file
fails to load with this message:

Cannot read file /home/nick/001_PC_nick/Fun/music/MuseScore/Scores/a349dbd7f26de81c201eb33145fe897ffa0ed846.mscz: This score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore.
Visit the MuseScore website to obtain the latest version.

Is there a way to get the online pdf import system to return a MuseScore 2 output so I do not have to upgrade to the latest version of Musescore which I am not in a position to do now?
Or if not, is there an online feature like the pdf converter that converts higher Musescore file versions to lower versions? If I had access to MuseScore 3, I could of course do it myself, but I do not, and as I said, am not presently in position to upgrade my MuseScore 2 installation.

Thanks, Nick


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Well, this may seem lame, but I am using it in Linux Debian 9.2 (stretch), which only supports MuseScore 2.03. Debian always focuses on "stability", and therefore lags behind the latest developments in most of its packages, and regardless, I generally stay away from the constant upgrade rat race. Even the latest "stable" version of Debian is still at Musescore 2.3.2,.

So really, I am not looking for any elaborate "solution" to what amounts to a personal choice on my part, but just a definitive answer to two simple questions which I suspect will be in the negative, having failed to uncover anything (positive or negative) in my web searches so far:

1) Is there an option for the online pdf converter to produce lower-version output then 3 (with of course the inevitable loss of bleeding edge features)?

2) Is there a separate online "downgrade" converter (similar in basic approach to the pdf converter) for people who are confronted, like me, with a newer Musescore file, but, - for whatever reason - do not have access to the latest and greatest version of the Musescore program itself?

Thanks again, Nick

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