Downloaded score in XML contains only page 1, whereas complete in pdf.
Using a Mac, the downloaded score in XML contains only page 1, whereas it is complete if in pdf.
Noted also that some notes and rests are in red on the downloaded page, and they are located a bit far above the lines.
How to get the complete XML score ?
Which score, from where exactly?
It is the 2nd waltz of D Shostakovitch - Saxophone and piano
In reply to It is the 2nd waltz of D… by thierrylievre1 ?
In reply to… by Shoichi
your links leads to a "404" error: empty page
In reply to your links leads to a "404"… by thierrylievre1
That is what File > Score properties claims to be the source of that score
In reply to your links leads to a "404"… by thierrylievre1
Probably this one?
In reply to Probably this one? https:/… by Shoichi
In reply to It is the 2nd waltz of D… by thierrylievre1
Doesn't answer the question where you got it from, but when I import it into MuseSc ore 3.2.3 it has 5 pages not just one as you claim
In reply to Doesn't answer the question… by Jojo-Schmitz
I tried with another score, and made the same result: only page 1 is downloaded, from musescore, in XML (or mxl ?) format.
In reply to I tried with another score,… by thierrylievre1
Why downloading the xml (or mxl) rather than the mscz? Anyway, with above mentiond score and the mxl you attached, you're claim that is is just one page seems simply wrong, it is 5 pages, at least when I import it into MuseScore 3.2.3.
What version are you using?
In reply to Why downloading the xml (or… by Jojo-Schmitz
Doubt: View single page?
In reply to Why downloading the xml (or… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for your comment; I was editing the downloaded file on Finale software, which is maybe the problem. I am going to try with MuseScore 3.2.3.
Do you see a full score in the Navigator (View -> Navigator)?
My guess is you haven't found the second page because you aren't navigating properly. Use the scroll wheel to scroll vertically, or with shift to scroll horizontally.
In reply to My guess is you haven't… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks for your comment; I was editing the downloaded file on Finale software, which is maybe the problem. I am going to try with MuseScore 3.2.3.
In reply to Thanks for your comment; I… by thierrylievre1
So you're saying Finale imports only the 1st page of that MusicXML?
Guess you'd need to bring that up with Finale's helpdesk
In reply to So you're saying Finale… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, it seems to be the case. You are right. Thanks.
In reply to Thanks for your comment; I… by thierrylievre1
I am going to try with MuseScore 3.2.3.
That's what we thought you were using.
(I mean, after all, this is the MuseScore forum ;-)
In reply to I am going to try with… by Jm6stringer
:-) This could however turn out to be a MuseScore MusicXML export issue.
In reply to :-) This could however turn… by Jojo-Schmitz
(Let's hope not.)