How to resize a piano sheet (pdf) ?

• Oct 8, 2019 - 12:51

I downloaded a piano sheet(pdf file) form
and I print it. The score is so small and the lines are too thin that I need to lean forward to read.(btw, I have a little astigmatism)
Is there any method to resize the piano sheet?

Attachment Size
Mirror_Night_Piano.pdf 84.07 KB


That score is using the default size settings of 1.764mm for a space and A4 as the page format.

If that is too small for you, increase those settings

Attached with 1.964mm per space (and converted into a 3.x score, using all the defaults, just 'condensed' a bit so it fits 6 pages rather than 'bleeding' into a 7th)

Attachment Size
Reflection(Mirror_Night).mscz 34.85 KB

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