extract the melody

• Oct 31, 2019 - 23:56

I have a lot of proper piano songs in pdf where it shows a simple melody (with chords) on top of a treble and bass clef....... Is it possible to load the pdf and only extract the simple melody ?

Thanks Ron


You can try them using the import tool (File->Import PDF) and see how it does. The PDF import tool takes you to musescore.com which links to a third party tool. It is usually successful with simple scores, but the chords will likely end up being text. Expect to need to do some editing once it's done.

In reply to by rphillipchuk

Extracting the melody isn't the hard part - MuseScore can do that. The hard part is turning a PDF into sheet music in the first place. It's a complex AI problem. There are commercial programs that do better than the free open source utility called Audiveris that MuseScore uses, but in general, if you just need a melody line, I practically guarantee its faster to simply enter the music yourself.

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