Musescore places incorrect and undeletable cue clef

• Nov 24, 2019 - 09:18

Musescore places cue clefs at the end of a staff when there is a clef change at the next staff. Sometimes this is not the clef that I would expect. See my uploaded file at measure 146: I switch from tenor clef to treble clef at measure one of a new bar and because of that Musescore automatically placed a bass clef at the end of the previous bar. This makes little sence because the tenor key was used for that staff and I switch to treble key. A treble clef would have been more logical or a tenor clef. The added bass clef cannot be deleted and will not disappear after making changes to the part. Only the undo button will have effect if you notice the issue before saving the file.

Attachment Size
Der_Todte_Fagott_cue-01.mscz 40.02 KB
dtf.JPG 88.35 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

yes that is what I did too, but I was only able to do that with the file that was edited by you, I cannot make that happen with the file I made. There is a bug in the software.
How did you get rid of the unwanted bass clef I wonder? In my score it is undeletable; it stays no matter what I change.

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