Compatibility between musescore 2.0.xxxx and musescore
is there a way to open sheet music that has been created using MusesScore with MuseScore (for people whose operating system doesn't allow the musescore upgrade from 2 to 3)?
Not directly. You'd have to use MusicXML export in 3.x and the corresponding import in 2.x
Same as with 2.x (or 3.x) vs. 1.x BTW
In reply to Not directly. You'd have to… by Jojo-Schmitz
unfortunately the MusicXML export file can't be imported by musescore 2.x. musescore 2.x. offers only to import certain pdf-files. But the pdf I made from the file I would like to import couln't be read either. I attach the file made by musescore 3.x which I would like to open with 2.x.
In reply to unfortunately the MusicXML… by Rogivue
Just open the musicxml file like you would a .mscz file, MuseScore knows what to do with it.
In reply to unfortunately the MusicXML… by Rogivue
That's a PDF, not a MusicXML
In 3.x: File > Export > MusicXML
rename to .xml (see #271445: Include .xml suffix for export why that is still needed)
In 2.x: File > Open
In reply to That's a PDF, not a MusicXML by Jojo-Schmitz
great: now it worked. thank you very much!