Finale Import Issues
Is it possible to import a Finale file into Musescore? The .pdf import has not worked , no matter what I tried.
Is it possible to import a Finale file into Musescore? The .pdf import has not worked , no matter what I tried.
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Attempting to do optical music recognition on a PDF is always going to be a crapshoot at best; AI has not really advanced to the point where that is reliable. But Finale can export MusicXML, and even the free Finale Notepad can convert existing MUS files to MusicXML. Then those will import pretty well.
In reply to Attempting to do optical… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you for your quick reply. I have an XML file that I’ve tried to import but the only import options I’ve seen in Musescore is .pdf. How do I import a XML file?
Thanks in advance.
In reply to Thank you for your quick… by Vic Posey
File > Open
In reply to File > Open by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you very much. I was going about it all wrong