Why does this file crash MuseScore?

• Apr 15, 2020 - 13:22

When I open this file in MuseScore, rather than giving me an error, it imediatly crashes the program. Why?

Attachment Size
Pi.mscx 19.77 KB


Crash confirmed, in lates development version.
Stack trace:
1 Ms::TimeSigMap::normalize sig.cpp 264 0x95d7cc
2 Ms::TimeSigMap::add sig.cpp 220 0x95d5e5
3 Ms::Measure::readVoice measure.cpp 2255 0x815ff8
4 Ms::Measure::read measure.cpp 1965 0x814194
5 Ms::Score::readStaff scorefile.cpp 349 0x951354
6 Ms::Score::read read301.cpp 45 0x9c87d8
7 Ms::MasterScore::read read301.cpp 283 0x9ca160
8 Ms::MasterScore::read301 read301.cpp 335 0x9ca471
9 Ms::MasterScore::read1 scorefile.cpp 995 0x955482
10 Ms::MasterScore::loadMsc scorefile.cpp 911 0x954b97
11 Ms::MasterScore::loadMsc scorefile.cpp 898 0x95498d
12 Ms::::operator()(Ms::MasterScore *, const QString &, bool, bool) const file.cpp 2321 0x4d68ad
13 Ms::readScore file.cpp 2329 0x4d6b5e
14 Ms::MuseScore::readScore file.cpp 379 0x4c3ef8
15 Ms::MuseScore::openScore file.cpp 357 0x4c3db8
16 Ms::MuseScore::doLoadFiles file.cpp 334 0x4c3bca
17 Ms::MuseScore::openFiles file.cpp 299 0x4c37ab
18 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 6127 0x42f80c
19 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 5925 0x42e80d
20 Ms::MuseScore::qt_static_metacall moc_musescore.cpp 513 0x5bb7eb

A division by 0, a time signature is 1/0 for some reason?

Fixed score attached, it had the 1st measure of the 2nd staff set to a 0/4 (nominal?) timesig and a 0/4 rest

How did you managed to get into that situation?

Attachment Size
Pi.mscx 19.72 KB

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