One note disappears when saving - reopening a score

• May 8, 2020 - 21:51

I have one measure in a large score, where the last eighth note has changed to an eighth rest when I re-open the file. It is there when I "Save", but not when I "Close" and re-open. Since it is on the Vocal part, one syllable of the lyric also disappears. The same measure appears later in the piece, with a different lyric, and the same thing happens there. However, the exact same notes are also on the Flute line and they don't change! I have tried deleting and re-entering all the notes and lyrics in the measure. I also tried copying and pasting the flute notes, then adding the lyrics. I tried Saving without any lyrics in that measure, and the last eight note still disappears on the Vocal line.
I even tried saving a copy of the score and the same thing happens with the copy.
I am using Version, Revision 148e43f on a MacBook Pro running Mojave (OS 10.14.6)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

When I went to send you the score, I didn't want to include all the parts that had been rendered some time ago. I have been working only in the score. But I discovered that the Vocal Part somehow had an extra 16th rest in it! When I deleted the contents of that measure on the PART, and re-entered the notes and lyrics, the changes were saved on both it and the score. I don't know how that extra 16th rest got there, but it's gone now!
Thanks for your quick response anyway!

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