Score save malfunction

• Feb 29, 2016 - 00:37

I was in the middle of editing a score yesterday, and, upon clicking the save
button, the name of my score changed to what looked like the score's file
name (ex; C:\Users\Admin.ADMINMI-Q9VVNVJ\My Documents). I closed the
application last night 5 hours after the name change, and reopened it this
morning to find all of the progress I had made was gone. I've assumed it was
saved under that new name, but can't seem to find that file. Is there
anywhere I should look specifically?


It sounds like you are describing what happens after a crash. The next time you start MuseScore, it offers to recover your old work, but gives it a name that includes the full path like you describe. When you go to save the file, it should prompt you for a location, and I guess you probably just accepted the default. If you didn't notice what that was, you might try doing a search via the built-in facility in Windows to search for files. Details depend on which version of Windows you arte using, but you should be able to find info on how to do file searches for your particular version of Windows if you do a web search.

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