Help!!!! How to recover bad score from crash

• Mar 17, 2016 - 00:12

I was imputing part of a libretto for my high school musical for rehearsal purposes, and Musescore decided to crash on me...

I reopened Musescore, only to find that the score that I worked over 4 hours on will not load (Load Error - Cannot read file.....mscz).

There is no backup that I could find of the score, either.

How can I recover the contents of the file (if it's even possible)?

I was using the Zerberus synth with the Salamander Grand sfz.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Attachment Size
05_The_Prince_Is_Giving_a_Ball.mscz 11.67 KB


In reply to by Anonymous

To be clear, it would be hidden, i.e. you would find no trace of it unless you enabled the viewing of hidden files. If you're on OS X, for example, you would need to first open the Terminal and type (or copy and paste) defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true; killall Finder and press [Enter].

Mar 17, 2016 - 00:41

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

I have always had "Show Hidden files" in Folder Options in Windows Explorer on by default.

Note that in the attached image how there is no hidden backup copy of "05_The Prince_Is_Giving_a_Ball.mscz"

It is the same way in the AppData folder


Attachment Size
notrace.PNG 174.21 KB

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