Possible bug when MuseScore shows files from the File Manager under Ubuntu

• Apr 1, 2016 - 16:24


I use MuseScore 2.0.2 into an Ubuntu Studio 15.10 installation.

I discovered a very rare MuseScore behaviour.

Of course, I know it is absolutely irrelevant to the final main target of the program, but...

Because I live in Chile (South America), the most beautiful country of the world, all my computer works and "speaks" in Spanish.

Because of that, I often use files with titles that include some specific Spanish characters, like "¡" (starting exclamation sign), which is not used in English but always used in Spanish; for example: "¡Aleluya!" ("Hallelujah!".

Well, the issue is... MuseScore shows all those files (with the "¡" character at the beginning) in the first place into the list of files to open (before the character "a").

This is incorrect in our beautiful Spanish language, where the first character is always the "a" character (first letter of the alphabet).

I assume that this is because in the ASCII chart the character "¡" is before the character "a".

BUT... Why the rest of the system understands this point and shows the right order? ???

SO... I think this is an specific MuseScore bug (but I don't have any clue about where could be).

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!



I *think* that this sort of stuff is handled for us by the Qt libraries we use, and thus you should see similar behavior in any application that uses these libraries. I think LibreOffice user Qt as well - does it behave similarly to MuseScore or more how you expect?

In reply to by jotape1960

It's possible there is some sort of setting you could make that would tell Qt to use something other than its standard way of sorting files. You could do a search for information on this, like Googling the phrase "qt filename sorting" or something like that (although that particular phrase didn't show anything meaningful to me in the first page of results). If any such setting exists, it is probably an environment variable you would need to set and export in your "~/.profile".

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