Tempo marking not dissappearing

• Apr 16, 2016 - 16:18

I'm having a problem with deleting certain tempo markings as they will not let me change or click on them. They're unattached to any note and just floating around the side of the page. Unfortunately, I cannot upload the score since it is a GCSE composition assessment piece.


Any help would much be appreciated as the deadline is very soon.



select one tempo marking (if need be add one), right click, select all similar, Ctrl+R, so all go back to their default position, then select the ones you don't want and press Del

FWIW, what probably happened is a tempo marking was added to one measure and then dragged very far away from that measure - perhaps to make it appear over a different measure - and then at some point the layout changed so that this manual adjsutment ended up placing the marking on another *page*. That's known to create this type of situation. The solution is to not do that - don't attach a marking to one measure and then drag it to make it appear over another. Always attach markings to the desired measure directly.

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