Composition Lost

• Apr 20, 2016 - 16:48

I was working on a composition for my Music Theory class. I saved it constantly. One day, I decided to continue working on it and I clicked the file and it wouldn't open. I decided to restart my laptop. That didn't work. My friend had me email it to them, just to see if it would open for them. It didn't.
Is there anything I can do to get my composition back?
Thank you.

EDIT: A copy of the file will be posted below.


Be sure you really are opening the score itself and not the backup copy - the filename should not start with a period or end with a comma. Sometimes people see both versions - the real score and the backup - and get confused and try to open the backup. That deliberately doesn't work, to prevent you from accidentally opening the wrong version.

If that and the link posted above don't help - be sure to check for both the backup *and* the autosave file - then anything else you can remember about exactly when the problem started would be useful in trying to understand what happened. In particular, do you remember MuseScore crashing at any point? Also post the file here so we can see if there is something simple that can be done to recover it.

Be sure, BTW, to update to the latest version, 2.0.3. Many bugs were fixed that could possibly have led to corrupt files. Getting the latest won't fix any scores already corrupted, but it should greatly reduce the likelihood of this ever happening again.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I was always saving the score directly, and not the backup. I have edited the original post to include the file in question.

I remember the problem started on either Saturday or Sunday (April 16th or 17th). I was working on it the night before, and then I saved the file as I was going to bed. The next day, I wanted to open it up to work on it, or finish it.
The file wouldn't open. It would show a blank screen. I attempted to open up different files to see if they suffered from the same problem. It turns out the only file that is gone is the one I was working on for class. I can open up every single file except the one I need. (The luck, right?)
As for MuseScore crashing, I can say with 100% certainty that it did not. The day before the incident started, my laptop did force a restart at one point, and I saved the file and exited away from it, but that had no effect on it, as I was able to continue working on it once I turned my laptop back on. (Laptop forced restart at around noon. I didn't experience the issue until the next day).

In reply to by Swiftpool99

Well, that's not the same as the normal file at all - the normal file puts up an error message and will not load. Getting to a blank screen is a big improvement. So, if you pst *that* file here maybe we can sort out what is happening.

Do follow the isntructions regarding the autosave file as well, though. Chances are what you want is to be found there.

In reply to by Swiftpool99

Are you using a Windows operating system?
If so, can you find the "Application Data" folder mentioned in the recovery instructions? It may be hidden, in which case you you have to read "How to see hidden files in Windows", also in the recovery instructions.

Please note that the autosaved backups are alphanumerically named, the one you seek will not display as "Clarinet_Trio_in_Eb_Major Final Exam.mscz

Session backup.png

Open the backups to see if the one you want is there. You can use the file creation date as a clue to which one(s) to open if there are many files listed.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

After doing everything that the link told me to do about showing hidden files, everywhere I look, I cannot find anything like that. (I narrowed my search through ALL of the files using a a search for "mscz," since all of the Hidden files in the image above use that in the end.
I just get the original and the backup, which neither will open.

In reply to by Swiftpool99

Are you running Windows? If yes, what version?
The image above is from Windows 10.
It shows the auto-save, or session backup files, with no comma at the end.
Were you able to find the 'AppData' folder?
(In Windows XP it's the 'Application Data' folder)
(In Mac OS X it's 'Application Support')


In reply to by Jm6stringer

I found the folder entitled AppData, which resulted in me finding only one "hidden" file. Attempted opening it and it wouldn't open. It said that MuseScore wasn't responding. Do I need to rename the file? (Asking before I do, just so I don't mess it up.)
(I was trying to save a screenshot and post the picture of what I saw, but my laptop won't take the screenshot, even though I'm hitting the correct buttons to do so.)

In reply to by Swiftpool99


Since you cannot open it, please attach the cryptically named .mscz file that you found (in AppData/Local/MuseScore/MuseScore2).
There are ways to extract, check its integrity - and perhaps fix it.

Be advised though that the file might be an autosave from a different score. There's no way to tell by reading the cryptic alphanumeric title.

Also, you mentioned a file that opens to a blank screen (with no error message). That's the one Marc refers to. You should attach that also.


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