How to control playback-tempo in browser-version of MuseScore

• Apr 27, 2016 - 13:03

The MuseScore-Apps für IOS and Android have tempo-sliders to change the relative playback speed in percent. Unfortunately I can not find this control in the browser-version of MuseScore. Because playback with the browser sounds much better than with the app-versions, I prefer the browser for rehearsal and play-along. But I need a tempo-control for that.

I would be happy for hints, how to change the playback-tempo without editing the tempo-settings in the score. I already tried to load up two versions of my score with different playback-tempo settings, but it did not work. This setting seems to be stored not with the score but as a general local setting!?

Any ideas? Thank you very much!


I believe the sound in the browser version is not created on the fly, but only once when the score gets uploaded, so it is just playing an mp3 synced with the graphics. Not sure whether under this premises it is possible or easy to implement a tempo control?

The Apps are most probably just not powerful enough to deal with the bigger and better soundfont the browser version uses (which is the same as the desktop app uses, AFAIK), as it produces the sound on the fly.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for your info!
So I can stop looking for a hidden control on the browser-playback site... :)
Seems I have to provide 2 score versions with different tempo-settings - this is a little tricky for scores with multiple tempo changes. Alternativly I can download the mp3 and play it with a slow-down-tool like Transcribe! - but without synced score :(

anyhow, thank you for your answer!

We are working on adding tempo control for the browser. That said, the sound will most likely not the same as in the MuseScore notation software. It's a trade-off between functionality/performance and preserving quality.

In reply to by heuscjen

@heuscjen a very rudimentary tempo change is now available on all scores on You can find it behind the three dots icon in the upper right corner of each score.

Screenshot 2016-05-03 20.14.13.png

It's very rudimentary and it's meant to understand if this simply works. When it does, we'll improve it further with more fine grained tempo selection options. If you have a proposal of what you think works best, feel free to share your ideas.

In reply to by Thomas

Thomas, that's great...but those three dots are COMPLETELY non-intuitive. I would have had NO idea whatsoever that that's what that icon controlled if I hadn't read it here. Could you possibly add some 'alternate' mouse-hover text--such as you have for the 'full-screen' command--to that icon? It would be helpful, I think.



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