Delete bar on second page causes crash

• Jun 12, 2011 - 03:43

For those who have compiled the latest branch version (1.1), could you please confirm if this bug is valid? I reported such a bug before and I believe it was fixed, but this is possibly different in steps and result. Thanks.

1. Open attached score.
2. Select final bar (on the second page).
3. Delete.

Result: Crash.

Using MuseScore 1.0 - Mac 10.4.11.

Attachment Size
Bar Deletion.mscz 2.1 KB


OK, MS 1.1 build 4375. If I drag-select only the notes and delete, nothing bad happens. If I select the drag-entire measure ("pno", bracket, bar number, notes, etc) and delete then I get a crash.

Yes - same here (I didn't have to select the bar number or pno though - just notes, one/two clefs and bracket). I know it's only a branch version, but it might help if there was nighty builds of these too - what do you think Lasconic?


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