Thicker hooks, needed feature for the visually impaired musicians

• May 30, 2016 - 06:09
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

Feature request no 1.

Hello everybody, apparently such a feature is not implemented yet, but it would be really amazing to have it. The thing is, I have been currently working on tactile stave music notation for blind people. Musescore turned out to be the BEST software for the task, as it allows for coloring every single element, which is necessary for later CNC milling; Musescore also allows for great manipulation of spacing. What I really miss now is a possibility to adjust the width of hooks. Now I can change the stem width, beam width and whatever else, but hooks cannot be adjusted, this is very sad, because tactile score for blind people needs all of the elements to be a bit thicker. So if it is possible, could you please implement an ability to make hooks thicker, like stems etc.?

Thank you guys!


Title Thicker hooks, needed feature for the visually impaired musicians A badly needed feature for the visually impaired musicians no. 1

Oops... It seems that I have made a mistake. I see that this task is now assigned to me. I am not a programmer - I am just a musician... Sorry I am a dumbhead. It is the second day I have been using Musescore. Could you please reassign this task to somebody else, because I don't know how to program. Sorry.

Title A badly needed feature for the visually impaired musicians no. 1 Thicker hooks, needed feature for the visually impaired musicians

You can unassign it ypourself. And please keep a more meaningful title

Also what I found out from one of Lilypond users, straight flags work very good.
Thickness, length and whatever can be adjusted. Would be amazing to have such thing in Musescore.
Lilypond code:

#(define thick-straight-flag
(lambda (grob)
((straight-flag 1.2 2 -45 1.2 45 1.4) grob)))

\override Flag.stencil = #thick-straight-flag

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