Musescore 2.0.3 "Can't Read My Files"

• Jun 8, 2016 - 22:25

I have Musescore version 2.0.3, but when I try to open some of my pieces that I have created, it says this:

"Cannot read file C:/Users/Brendan/Documents/MuseScore2/Scores/A King's Ascendants.mscz:"

This has happened in the past but I fixed it before. But when I tried fixing it the same way this time, it didn't work. I am very tired of this, because other times this has happened I lost a large portion of my work. But now I can't even open the file at all.
The cause of this is also unknown to me. One day I was on the file adding stuff to the piece, and then I saved and exited out of Musescore. But the next day when I tried to re-open the file, it gave me that error code seen above.
I just want the problem fixed, and the bug to be fixed as well. This is an issue that is too big to ignore, and I want the issue resolved.
I have attached one of the files with this problem below.

Attachment Size
A King's Ascendants.mscz 56.63 KB


Was the score created with 2.0.3 or with an earlier version? There were a couple of bugs in earlier versions (already fixed in 2.0.3) that could in certain cases result in an unreadable score being written if a crash happened in the middle of a save operation. Usually it would work out to be a zero-length file, so I'm not sure you are seeing the same thing. Realistically, if this happened to you using 2.0.3, it is perhapos more likely that your hard disk is failing and is developing bad sectors.

Anyhow, in order to investigate and hopefully fix a bug, we'd need to see a score *before* the error happens and precise steps to reprroduce the problem.

In reply to by VEXLE

I believe this file has been created with 1.x. It got last saved with 2.0.3 (and first on May 4th, 2015, so with MuseScore 2.0.0 or a Beta, as 2.0.1 got released May 5th), but it doesn't look as if it had been created with it. Indications: no author or workTitle in score Information, Times New Roman as the text font all over the place (rather than the 2.0 Default of FreeSerif) and XML like tags in instrument properties, long and short Instrument Name, esp. These are a strong hint.
Not that this is wrong or forbidden, just additional Information...

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