Stop editor going to next line

• Jun 19, 2016 - 13:06

Whenever I enter the last note on a line, I am immediately brought to the first note on the next line. This is incredibly annoying when trying to enter a chord as the last note on a line, especially should that line be the last on a page as it will throw me over to the next page. How do I disable this feature?


In reply to by EoinNPM

It would mean though that you need a new command to finally make it go to the next line. Musescore won't know when your chord (or articulation marks, dynamics etc.) is complete. I have occasionally had your problem too, I also prefer page view, but the switch from continuous to page view and back is so easy and fast that I don't think this request is very urgent.

If you are entering notes with a MIDI keyboard just keep the first note held down and any notes you press subsequently will be added to the chord, even if the cursor has moved. If you are using a normal computer keyboard then, as Marc said, holding shift will allow you to append a note to the previous chord even if the cursor has moved to the next page.

I happen to be working on Note Entry Mode now as part of Google Summer of Code. If there is interest, I could look into changing the behaviour such that the cursor doesn't move forward until the key is *released*, not when it is pressed.

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