Limits of "select similar elements"

• Aug 15, 2016 - 06:08

MS 2.0.3. on Mac OSX Yosemite

The "select similar elements" command often comes in handy. But now I have discovered its limits.

I have a score with both staccato dots and staccatissimo wedges in it. Lots of them. Now I am changing my mind and need to remove all the wedges and leave the dots. I thought "piece of cake" but the select similar command selects both wedges and dots. And it is true that they are similar.

Is there a way around this (other than removing the wedges one by one with the mouse)?

If not maybe "select identical elements" would be even more useful as a command. It would cover most of the cases the existing command is useful for too.


I think it would be best to have a 'select articulations' button in the inspector, because right-clicking on tiny things is hard.

But, there is a select identical elements type function. it's hidden under 'more'. Right click your staccatissimo wedges, go to Select -> More, select to your heart's content.

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