Incorrect Drum Notes

• Aug 24, 2016 - 11:21

Hey, just a small error in the drum notation.
When notating for an open hihat, at the moment the notation is a cross notehead on the E line. This is generally incorrect.

The standard notation for an open hihat is a cross notehead on the G line with an Ouvert above it, the ouvert signalling an open hihat and a Stopped/Pizzicato Left Hand symbol signalling a closed hihat, cancelling it out. Hope that makes sense!

Could you change this in a future update?



There is no standard for drom notation, unfortunately - every editor, every drummer does it differently. The default drumset definition in MuseScore uses a system that is in pretty widespread use, but if you prefer a different system, you can customize the drumset definition as described in the Handbook under "Drum notation".

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