Musescore can't load file

• Sep 9, 2016 - 04:04

I am able to open my Musescore. Once open, it only show the start center, that you will choose your works that you saved but every time I clicked on any one of them, it disappears. But down the task bar can see that Musescore is still opening but is blank, whenever I clicked on it, nothing show. It does not crash or reboot my laptop. is just that the file just can't open.

Seek for help ---- Thanksss T_T

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Screenshot (4).png 907.33 KB
Screenshot (6).png 1.46 MB


In reply to by Shoichi

I use Run dialog to open the Musescore, it did open but still having the same problem. Whenever I clicked on any of it, it will close the "Start Center" and disappears, and same, down the task bar, Musescore is still working but it is blank, just like the situation in my screenshot(6).


In reply to by KieSun Wong

It looks like your main MuseScore window is located off screen. Perhaps you had an external monitor attached last time you opened it and now you don't?

If you ran MuseScore with the -F option, those positions will be reset.

But before you do that and loose all your settings, you might try to use the Windows key + arrows shortcut to try and bring the window into view, after which you can manually drag it to a normal size again.

Try either WindowsKey+left up to 4 times or WindowsKey+right up to 4 times. If I'm guessing correctly, you should see the MuseScore mainwindow appear on half your screen size somewhere during that process. As soon as you do, grab a window edge with the mouse and drag the window a bit. This will allow MuseScore to recognize its new position and save it for next time.

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