7 notes in a measure from musicxml

• Sep 28, 2011 - 04:28

I want to put any number of whole notes in one measure from a computer generated XML text.
As I understand musicXML, the following should place 7 whole notes in one measure:

A -1 4 4 whole flat
the line repeated 6 more times exactly

However, it does not. It does work for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, but not for 7. Can MuseScore be changed so it can do 7, 9, 11, 13, etc.


The post took out much of the XML code I had pasted in. So I am going to take out the < and the > and the /, please imagine these being there
measure number="1"
attributes divisions 7 divisions attributes
note pitch step B step alter -1 alter octave 4 octave pitch duration 4 duration type whole type accidental flat accidental note
(repeat the note line 6 more times)
As noted above, this works fine for 5, but not 7.

Thanks so much for taking the time to do an example!
Your example works for what it does. But it fails when I do with it what I really want. See XML attachment "7wholes" and related pdf. You see how the 7 notes are broken into a 2 and a 5. My example is attached as "XML_8_16" and its associated pdf. What you see in my example is this: to make multiple staffs align despite the non-matching number of whole notes in each measure, I try to adjust the duration-divided-by-divisions for each note such that the total value of all measures is 4 real quarter notes. If the note type "whole" is simply governing the note-head and the duration/divisions governs the time value, then this should work, there should be 7 notes of value 4/7 each with "whole" note-heads, and it does do that for say 5, as you see in my example, but not for 7. I realize I am trying to do something odd and I appreciate your attention to this.

Attachment Size
7wholes.mscz.pdf 8.31 KB
musicXml_8_16.mscz.pdf 9.01 KB
7wholes.xml 6.04 KB
musicXml_8_16.xml 7.73 KB

In reply to by m14bisto3

Unfortunately, even though you are right in assuming in MusicXML note head is determined by the type element and actual duration by the duration element in combination with divisions, MuseScore currently simply does not support what you are trying to achieve. The design of MusicXML importer assumes note type and duration match.

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