Help getting JACK & Loopbe1 working

• Nov 1, 2011 - 10:33

I'm trying to configure JACK & Loopbe1, so that I can use a VSTi with Musescore. I have the Jack server running, with what I believe are the right parameters to jackd (my Server Path is: jackd -S -R -X winmme ). Musescore is available in the left hand pane in the MIDI tab, but I simply cannot get Loopbe1 to show up in the right hand pane. I know Loopbe1 is working, because I can use it with other programs. Any ideas?

Environment: Windows 7, Jack V, Loopbe1 V1.6.



Hi, i'm new to musescore and this forum. I know this is old topic, but i'm not seeing any playback in the midi view of jack (right side). I just see musescore midi on left side, not enough to hear playback through MIDI.
I'm using loopbe1 as midi input on the midi sw sinthesizer.
Any tip to make it work?

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