Right-click problems, Windows XP, ver 1.1 and nightly 5002

• Nov 23, 2011 - 17:15

After searching, I see that related issues go back to 2009. I've tried this is version 1.1 and nightly 5002, same result. On Windows XP:

I have sheet music with several staves. I wish to make some of them invisible. If I use the menu to select all, then all are chosen. But when I right-click anywhere, the selection changes to just the one measure and one staff where I clicked. Thus, I am not able to apply the context menu to all.

On the other hand, if I select all, then try to get a menu without right-click, none of the available choices will do what I wish to do (make some staves invisible throughout the document).

Although it is possible to pick an individual staff, if I set it invisible then only the lines disappear. I have to separately select the notes to make them disappear. This is counter-intuitive.

Possible solution: If the right-click problem is difficult to solve, then perhaps there could be a way for the "measure properties" dialog box to be entered via the application menu, without right-click? (The keyboard's menu choice button, part of Windows on my computer, doesn't do it.) In other words, the "measure pproperties" would be expanded to apply to all selected measures.


In general, holding shift, ctrl, or some other key (probably depends on which OS) while right clicking will keep the selection from being reset, allowing you to apply settings to existing selections.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your advice. I tried holding shift (or ctrl) and indeed, when I right-click, the selection is not reset. Unfortunately, the "measure properties" will not be applied to the entire selection. Instead, even though all measures and staves were selected, the "measure properties" only applies to the measure where I right-clicked (even though I held shift or ctrl).

Apparently "measure properties" does not apply to multiple measures, no matter how many are selected?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Here's why: I have some scores imported from MIDI. These are fully orchestrated, instruments and vocal. What I want to do is play (via synth) the entire score, but only look at the vocal part (I sing).

If I completely remove the instruments from the score, then they won't play in synth.

Of course, I can export the entire score to WAV, then edit the score so that only the vocal track remains. Then, I can look at only the vocal track (either within MuseScore or via printout), while the WAV file plays via a separate media player. So I can do what I wish to do, but not in the way that I expected.

So, my original question is not "How do I do this," but rather "Is there a bug in the way that measure properties apply to a multi-measure selection."

In reply to by Abas Lesrappers

I'd say if you can come up with a repeatable test case where shift right click doesn't work as it should, you should submit a bug report, but I guess it probably isn't a bug that *measure* doesn't apply to multiple measures - that's probably more of a feature reques.

I'd also note the problem of having separate plaback and print versins of a score is often best solved by having the "print score" defined as a part you can extract, containing all but the playback-only staves, and that this will work much better than marking the playback-only staves invisible. In your case, it's even simpler - sounds like you basically just want to extract the vocal part. That's exactly what the part extraction facility is for.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Shift right-click does indeed preserve the selection, but (as noted), measure properties nevertheless applies only to the current measure. This is repeatable. But as was noted, this is not a bug in the sense of program failure; it is just that the behavior is not what I expected.

Since the desired purpose can easily be achieved by other means (such as extracted the voice staves as parts for printout, but leaving the whole score for audio playback), it is not a big deal.

Thanks. Consider this closed.

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