A drumset exercise challenge! Actually, any skilled MuseScore Pro could take a stab. Plus, it would help me HUGE!

• Nov 9, 2016 - 01:55

I have been dabbling in MuseScore for a while now, but like the game of golf, you just don't get good going out once a summer. That said, I have been learning a ton just from reading these forums. If you don't know how to do some of these things, you can end up pulling your hair out. I recently read a post where someone easily explained shortcut keystrokes for creating a measure of quarter not triplets. MuseScore is capable of so much, but the solutions aren't so obvious. That said, I am a drummer of 30+ years and have been wanting to capture some beats on paper.

If someone could tackle this task I'm proposing, it would teach me nearly everything I need to know in moving forward with my project and MuseScore.

Attached are two images of drum beats. I found midis online and imported them into MuseScore. I want to know how to keystroke similar beats. Can anyone take these images and chart out the keystrokes to walk me through it? One is 4 measures and the other is only 2.

I'm challenging you! HAHA, but please, walk me through it. I'm sure it would help many others.

Thanks all!

Attachment Size
Sample2.jpg 13.69 KB
Sample.jpg 29.55 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

um....not really. Manuals are all fine and well, but nothing beats watching Martha Stewart cook and tell. The video that was added later has helped way more than any manual could have.

Do you really want the snare in the same voice than the hihat? I know it's done like this in some countries but it's really unreadable to me here.

Here is a video showing how to engrave Sample.jpg with (according to me) a more correct notation. I used R shortcut to repeat the previously entered note and 0 to enter rest. The rest is done with the mouse but it could be speed up with shortcut for drums (A,B,C etc...) and for duration (4,5,6. etc...)

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