Note Hooks Not Connected

• Nov 10, 2016 - 00:42

Whenever I open an XML file with Musescore, none of the note hooks are connected like they should be. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like, as well as one of what it should look like.

Is there any easy fix for this? I would prefer to not have to re-write the entire score to upload it to Musescore. Thanks in advance!


Indeed, you'd have to attach the actual MusicXML file in order for us to understand what is going on. Normally, we beam notes according to how the file says we should. So most likely the file does not contain the "correct" beaming. I put that term in quotes, because it's possible the person / program that created this file set it up that way on purpose for whatever reason (vocal music, for instance, is often notated without beams).

In any case, no need to re-enter anything in order to override the beaming info from the file. Just press Ctrl+A to select all, click the Notes button in the Inspector to restrict the selection to just the notes, then double click the Auto icon in the Beam Properties palette.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for the help; I did what you said and it fixed it. I usually use Notion 5 for writing my music, and then I convert it to XML so I can open it in Musescore, save it as MSCZ, and upload it to the website. It does this every time; normally, formatting isn't an issue, but this particular time I wanted the score to look nice. I appreciate the help very much!

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