Barlines between staves

• Nov 15, 2016 - 11:57


Is there any way to place barlines between staves (Mensurstrich) in Musescore? I can do it with 2 staves, but I can't find any way to do it for a 3- or 4-staff score.

I've searched for this issue in the forums but I didn't find any clear answer. Please excuse me if this has been covered already.

Thank you for your help


I am puzzled by the last sentence of the relevant section in the online manual:

"You may want to set the barlines back to the default values at the end of the score or a section, but remember to hold down Ctrl, or else the entire staff will be reset."

Yes, I want to have "normal" default barlines at the end of the score and maybe also at the end of each system, but whatever I do with the Ctrl key — either nothing happens or all barlines are set back to "normal".

I would be grateful for any help.

In reply to by Mainerio

If you hold down the Ctrl key while you adjust a line, only that line will be adjusted. Actually, Once I make one adjustment, I can make it more precise with the inspector as long as it is still in edit mode (with the square at each end).

In reply to by mike320

Thank you, mike320, for your swift reply. Two comments:

(1) On my keyboard (macOS Sierra v. 10.12.2, MuseScore I have to use the Cmd key (not the Ctrl key, not the Alt key and not the Fn key) or else nothing will happen.

(2) Using the Inspector sidebar results in a program crash if I try to reduce the "Spanned staves" parameter from 2 to 1. I can reproduce this crash reliably. I am not sure it is restricted to "barlines between staves".

Thanks again,

In reply to by Mainerio

I'm used to windows, and most Mac users know how to translate instructions from windows to Mac. I'd rather rely on that than to tell you wrong. As far as the crash is concerned. You need to upload the score with step by step instructions on causing the crash.

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