first and second endings
How can I extend the length of the first ending to include all four bars? It stops after the first measure and goes back currently
How can I extend the length of the first ending to include all four bars? It stops after the first measure and goes back currently
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Select the measures;
Double-click Volta.
Do you mean voltas? Just doubleclick the volta and hold the key "shift" down and use the key "right arrow" to extend it.
In reply to Do you mean voltas? Just by [DELETED] 1307581
You can also double-click the volta, and then drag the right marker of the volta to the desired position. It's similar to resizing a text box in Word or a picture in a graphics editing program.
I didn't know about the Shift+right arrow move. Thanks for that!!
In reply to You can also double-click the by Lee Batchelor
Don't drag the right marker with the mouse if you want correct behavior. Using Shift+arrows changes the anchor point for the right marker, dragging with the mouse is a visual correction only!
In reply to Don't drag the right marker by jeetee
Jeetee, I have printed out hundreds of PDFs using the mouse drag method and never had a problem with the final placement of the ending marker. Perhaps the export to PDF is more of a visual snapshot? That would explain your reasoning. I've never printed anything directly from Musescore. I assume you mean that printout would not appear correct?
In reply to Jeetee, I have printed out by Lee Batchelor
If you ever need to change the score after having dragged voltas, in a way that the layout changes enough to change where the system breaks are, you'll see why you shouldn't do this.
In reply to Jeetee, I have printed out by Lee Batchelor
Dragging the endpoint definitely is definitely a very bad idea for this purpose. Using shift+right tells MuseScore, align the end of the volta with the next measure. This does the right thing no matter how big or small the measures are, and regardless of whether they are on the same system - or same page - or not. Which is to say, if you later edit your score, you can be assured the volta will still look correct. Whereas if you extend a volta by dragging, you are telling MuseScore the precise length you want that volta (like, in inches), and this will be *wrong* if the score ever changes for any reason (like you make further edits, change the page size, staff size, or a new version of MuseScore results in a slightly different layout of which measures end up in which systems).
This isn't just for voltas but for all lines. Trying to do anything more than small fine-tuning adjustments to lines by dragging them is pretty much a guarantee the adjustment will end up looking wrong at some future point and you'll be wondering why your careful adjustments of these lines is seemingly being ignored. Actually, it is being honored *literally*, whereas you really wanted it to be done "logically", keeping track of line lengths relative to the other notes and measures and not in absolute inches.
BTW, also: dragging won't allow a line to be extended across multiple systems.
In reply to Dragging the endpoint by Marc Sabatella
Marc and're 100 percent correct. My printouts are always accurate, however, when I change the score with new break points (for example) the voltas are all wrong. Thanks for this amazing tip!! Shift+right arrow it is!!
Your method gives a relative volta length, whereas, mine gives an absolute volta length, which is fine if and only if the score is never changed. Thanks!