Slur in volta brackets

• Nov 28, 2016 - 20:21

Dear Sirs
I came across a situation that I did not find the solution:
The music has, before the brackets, a slur in the last note with the first one of first bracket, then in the return, the same note has a slur with the first note in the second brackets. This is repeated in Coda bar 41
See in the pdf file that I send; in bars 39 and 41 where I need to insert the slur of beginning bar 37
How to represent the slur at the beginning of the second bracket and in the Coda ?
Thank you in advance
Roberto Dal Medico

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BAILA COMIGO02 17 NOV 2016-Violino-2.pdf 48.09 KB


That is a good workaround sochi, but MS is supposed to be a notation software and we shouldn't have to jump through those hoops. A slur with a continuation inside a volta or after a "to Coda" should automatically have the second half duplicated to accommodate both situations. Grace notes make such small slurs, you often have to blow up your display to see all of the squares to adjust them.

Also remember that you will want to go into the inspector and uncheck play on the grace note.

In reply to by mike320

To mark an a feature request, use the drop down menu (default is indeed bug report).

The feature request forum is the best place to post an initial thought on a feature idea. Then it can be discussed - to see if perhaps there already exists a feature that the user just didn't know about, or to refine the request further, or just gauge interest on how relevant the feature would be for MuseScore, etc. Once there is some sort of consensus on a proposed new feature and some specifics on how it might be expected to work, then it makes sense to post a more formal feature request to the issue tracker, which as the name implies, is how developers keep track of things to do, whether bugs to be fixed or features to be implemented.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You and Jo-jo are both on the development team. I did both with a note on the feature request forum that I made the issue report.

It would be nice if this were addressed in 3.0. I'll be here to give my opinion, but not being enough of a programmer to follow all the different objects defined... I won't eve try to tell a programmer how to fix it, just discuss the end results.

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