Error with clef changes

• Dec 6, 2016 - 10:28

Steps to show the flaw I'm experiencing (Musescore 2.0.3):

1.) Set up a few measures of notes (simple quarter notes shown for example)
2.) Apply a clef change on the second measure -- not on the notes but the measure to have the clef be aligned at the end of the previous measure rather than the beginning of the next:
3.) So far so good. Now say you want treble again mid-way: applying it to the third note of the second measure results in:

This removes the clef change previously used. Not only this, but the notes show as if the clef change actually is implemented without showing it. This doesn't happen if you apply the clef to the notes themselves. Something's wrong here.

Update: This is with Courtesy Clefs disabled


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hrm. I just tried it on my Windows 7 machine and the problem doesn't occur. This is on a Linux machine using AppImage, as well as, as weird as this is, a portable 2.0.3 under Linux Wine. Maybe it's a particular setting on my end somewhere. I'll try to find a difference between my Windows and Linux settings and post here if so.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Update: I think I may have figured it out. Windows is on the default settings, but my Linux machine had the Create Courtesy clefs off in the Styles->General->Page dialogue. It seems Musescore is counting these clefs as courtesy clefs, though I'm not sure I'd consider them courtesy clefs because that means usually at the end of the line or system so as to prepare for the reading of the new line. Maybe I'm misunderstanding definitions. Any thoughts on this? Plus, why would it show at first but then not afterwards as per the original steps shown?

In reply to by worldwideweary

I think that MS should not consider this a courtesy clef, but it makes sense that it would from a programmers point of view. Since it is shown in the measure before, which is normal notation, MS probably tags the clef as a courtesy clef so it will be shown in the proper spot and will not display both a courtesy clef and a "normal" clef at the start of the measure. I think to fix this would require the program to think of this as a third kind of clef that is mandatory. Since I don't program in C++ I'm not sure how this would be fixed in MS.

I was making a file to show this and the strangest thing happened. I made a singe line with the bass clef and decided to make a second line without it so you can see how it works. When I tested it, both bass clefs showed up. :(

This was all done in 2.0.3 Give it a try.

Attachment Size
clef test.mscz 5.82 KB

In reply to by mike320

Someone with access to a 2.0.4 build might be able to verify. Shortly we'll start seeing nightly builds for this again.

Edit: lasconic just confirmed it is an issue with 2.0.4. He's working on it, together with #76001: if insert new clef to a measure that already has clef at *start* of measure, then old clef shouldn't remain, which is unrelated, just in a similar part of the code.
So maybe better to file it in the issue tracker.

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