Repeat confusion

• Feb 22, 2017 - 17:18


I'm trying to figure out how to do a repeat into a coda. My song is going to repeat from measure 32 (going back to measure five as indicated with barlines) but then the second time when it gets measure 26 I want it to go to the ending which is measure 33 until the end. How do I mark this? I attached the song.

Thank you!

Attachment Size
Sandcastles.mscz 30.39 KB


Here's another way... actually using a Coda, as sometimes volta lines need to traverse too many measures.

See Dal Segno al Coda:

Also, I inserted a horizontal frame at measure 33 (along with a line break at measure 32) to call attention to the coda.
(If necessary, use menu item: View, and use the checkboxes to Show Frames and Show Unprintable items like line breaks.)

Also, I have a question...
Since measures 29-32 are identical to measures 1-4, why not eliminate the former (29-32) and jump directly to the beginning, rather than to measure 5? This way, you save a page and can use a shorter volta:
EDIT: OOOPS! Maybe Alto part is different (not added yet) so can't delete 29-32...

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