[Android] repeat all and count-in features

• Mar 20, 2017 - 14:00

Thanks for creating and maintaining such an amazing piece of software. It is really helping us to move forward and feel geeky at the same time. I create a score on a laptop, put that to the cloud and then play it back with the help of Android device connected via bluetooth to home audio system. That sounds like magic, doesn't it? :-)

While using Android application (v4.2) to playing along with the scores written in musescore I realised that couple of things can be improved in UI:

1. Repeat the whole score button would help me. Even better to put that in the settings. Current repeat solution requires lengthy interaction and ignores repetition alternatives signs (voltas). It plays all of them sequentially, which should be reported as a bug elsewhere.

2. I would like to have count in functionality so that we can start all at once with the peace (am I missing any feature somewhere?)

3. Better tempo tuning and indication would help. I usually know which tempo I would like to play as a warm up and which later. So I would like to see tempo in bpm instead of percentage and have buttons "+1", "+5", "-1", "-5" to adjust it.

We are also using CharBot and Metronome Beats applications during our exercises which serves us an example of how things can be improved in UI.

I could try to fix things myself, but Android sources are closed as I understand. Anyway, I offer my help here if needed.

Thanks for great app,


ad 1) This is possible alreadey, just use the button in the lower left Corner, next to the Play/pause button
ad 2) Count-in is already implemented, in the mixed enable the 'Hand with a stick' Icon in the upper right
ad 3) It is percentage of the original tempo, and as such IMHO should stay that way.

The reason any relative adjustments made in the Play Panel needs to be in percentage rather than absolute bpm is that many scores don't stay a single tempo throughout. The point of the relative adjustment in the play panel is to scale them all according to the percentage. If you simply want to set the basic tempo for the piece, edit the tempo text at the beginning instead. In MuseScore, of course, not in the app.

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