Cannot enter special characters into dynamics

• Apr 3, 2017 - 17:39
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

As with #175346: Cannot enter special characters into tempo change. Since the italics was added as the default for modifications to to dynamics, you are unable to add special characters to dynamics without unselecting and reselecting the dynamic text.


Can you explain further? Sample score / steps to reproduce? I tried the following:

1) start musescore
2) in the empty score that displays by default, click first rest
3) double click "pp" in dynamics palette to add to score
4) double click the "pp" in score to edit
5) press F2 to display Special Characters palette
6) double click any symbol - say, the copyright sign

Result: as expect, the symbol gets added, in italics for most cases.

That is using a recent build that includes the fix for the issue you mention.

I'm using the 9ca7d0b build from about 2 weeks ago. The copyright sign uses a single character where the accented u in piu uses 2 from what I understand. That was the same character I found the original issue with.

Status (old) needs info closed

I have limited data for downloading, so I only download about once a week.

I must have had some weird selection that MS didn't like. Now I can't reproduce it. If I figure it out I'll let you know.