Select a measure, only one voice

• Apr 20, 2017 - 10:38

Hello everyone,

I'm doing my Fugue Analysis on MuseScore. I would like to color some motives (Subject, Countersubject, ...) but that implies I could select 10-12 notes from only one voice.

I found it was possible to select all the notes from 2nd voice, or all the notes from one measure, but not all the notes from a motive (which could begin in the middle of bar 2 and end on the middle of bar 4), only in the second voice.

The only way I have, for the moment, is change the color of each note, one by one and this is slightly driving me crazy :-)

Could someone help me ?

Thank you.


Try selecting the entire section.
Right click a note in the proper voice
click more...
check boxes for same voice and in selection

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