Is there a way to add the fit size parentheses to the chord note heads?

• Feb 13, 2025 - 08:37

I know that I can use double-height or triple height parenthesis in the master palettes. But it's not automatically suit the position. Is there a way like just select the notes and a click? Thank you.


In reply to by KaibaSeto

There seem to be two separate problems here:

  1. I can't see any way to adjust the size of the parentheses available on the Noteheads palette, where the default size seems to me too small. There is no Font Size property in the Properties panel for Opening or Closing Parenthesis. Nor are the Parentheses listed in this menu path: Format > Style... > Text Styles
  2. The parentheses available on the Noteheads palette do not automatically adjust in height if a chord (multiple stacked notes) is selected.

Unless I am wrong, this probably needs a Feature Request on Github. There are existing Github requests which describe several problems with parentheses. This request is perhaps relevant:
Improve notehead parentheses layout of chords

In reply to by Claudio Riffero

I know this way. I mention this in the first post. But it's not automatically fit the position and the size like the original single note parentheses do. I have to move and modify the size myself. I would like to see a better way in the feature request issue.

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