change time signature?
Is there any way of changing the time signature on a piece of music (without simply rewriting it in the new time)? I want to change a MuseScore song from 2/2 to 4/4 (which is the correct signature for the song). If you replace the original signature with the new one, the software adds additional rests to each measure to make up the difference -- not what I want!
Thanks for any help.
George Aichele
Take a look at
Or use the general method of
Are you perhaps using a very very very old version of MuseScore? All recent versions should behave the way you want. Latest is 2.1, so be to update. If that doesn't solve your problem, please attach your score and describe exactly where you are having problems.
In reply to Are you perhaps using a very by Marc Sabatella
Sorry, I mis-spoke in my original post. I'm trying to change a time signature from 2/4 to 4/4. If I do that by simply swapping the time signature, this creates empty half-measures throughout the song. I'm unable to cut other half-measures (with notes in them, and lyrics attached) from within the song and paste them into the empty half-measures.
Yes I was using Musescore 1.3, but I just downloaded 2.1, and the problem is still there. Further suggestions?
In reply to Sorry, I mis-spoke in my by gaichele
Try to open the score 2.1, then use Save as to make it a 2.1 score. All the 2.1 features should work then. If not, then if you still have 1.3 on your computer, export it to XML then open it in 2.1.
In reply to Sorry, I mis-spoke in my by gaichele
I suspect you downloaded 2.1 but didn't install it fully and are still using 1.3. check Help / About to be sure. 2.1 definitely works the way you want.
Again, if you continue to have trouble please attach the score.
In reply to Sorry, I mis-spoke in my by gaichele
Indeed in 1.x changing to a longer time sig creates those extra rests, a bug that got fixed for 2.x apparently.
But opening a 1.x score in 2.x and doing that change should just work, and does for me.
In reply to Indeed in 1.x changing to a by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for all the suggestions! MuseScore 2.1 did the trick smoothly.