Rest position … what¿?

• May 18, 2017 - 15:23

On same staves where I've pasted data, on the empty bars the rest are at the beginning of the bar. On staves where nothing has been pasted, the rest are in the middle of the bar where they should be.

Is there a global way to restore the default rest position? Please see the attached pic …


Attachment Size
rest_position.png 12.35 KB


I'm guessing you are using a very very very old version of MuseScore. Back in 1.x, copying an empty measure of 4/4 would indeed yield a whole rest instead of a measure rest. This was improved along with thousands of other things years ago. Best to update to the current version, 2.1.

In reply to by danworks

Hmm, is it possible the score you are working on was originally created with 1.3 or older, then? Because what you seem to be describing - full measure rests converting to whole rests on copy and paste - does not normally happen in 2.1. Can you attach your score and steps to reproduce this problem?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm coming from Sibelius 7.5 and my first MuseScore version is 2.1

The step to repro are:

1- import xml
2- then open your template
3- copy and paste data (fm beginning to end) fm the xml to the template. Doesn't matter if you do one staff at time or copy n paste group of staves (strings section for example).

Latest was: on a xx number of bars score I had a choir staff that play only at the end. I've copied choir and something else and then pasted to the template. Every single bar had rest all the way left (4/4) and not in the middle (whole bar rest), even if those bars were empty.

Hope this helps

Best …

In reply to by danworks

Can you post one of the specific XML files you are having trouble with? Could be something particular about how your version of Sibelius exports the MusicXML that is causing problems. MusicXML exported by MuseScore does not present any issues. You also mention a template, I suppose there could be a problem with that as well. Do you have the same problem pasting into the default "Untitled" score?

Anyhow, as mentioned, to restore the full measures rests, just select the range of measures containing the whole rests and press Delete - this removes the whole rests and replaces them with full measures rests.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Every files I'm exporting in this days from MOTU Digital Performer (the DAW I'm working with since three decades) to Sibelius and then exported as xml to MuseScore.

I know the "select and delete workaround" but on decent large score it's a pita cos the empty bars are un-contiguous.

But I can survive for now ;)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hello Jojo,

cos the error I've reported (200846), I thought the good idea was to import the xml on Sibelius and then re-export it toward MuseScore. But at this point with this "rest" issue I'll follow you advice, forget about Sibelius and go directly fm DP to MS.

Anyway if you can find a workaround to ignore the DP error, that would be great :)

Best …

In reply to by danworks

Or sed. Both are UNIX Tools for text manipulations, and as maxOS is UNIX based it should have them.
Something like this (tested!):

sed -i -e 's:>start</beam>:>begin</beam>:g' "somefile.xml"

Which is search for ">start</beam>" and replace inline with ">begin</beam>"
If your sed doesn't understand the -i (only GNU sed does), use

sed -e 's:>start</beam>:>begin</beam>:g' <"somefile.xml" >"somefile-fixed.xml"

Attachment Size
DanzaMacabra_(DP).xml 774.42 KB

In reply to by danworks

So, to be clear:

DP is exporting the file correctly as far as the rests go - that is, it is using full measure rests. If you import this version of the file (and ignore the error about the thing DP is getting wrong), you get a score with full measure rests as expected, and these copy and paste and remain full measure rests (centered).

If you open the Sibelius version, you will see that they have exported the file incorrectly - they have converted the full measures rests to ordinary whole rests (left aligned). So no surprise if you copy and paste these they remain whole rests.

Which is to say, MuseScore seems to be doing exactly what it is supposed to as far as I can tell. Give it full measure rests, it will display full measure rests, and they will remain that way when you copy and paste. but give it whole rests and it will display whole rests, and they remain that way when you copy and paste.

BTW, another trick for converting for cleaning this up is to select the entire score (Ctrl+A) then Ctrl+Shift+Z. This will convert rests to full measure where possible. It's meant to be applied on individual measures in cases where a simple Delete won't work - like measures with an actual duration as per Measure Properties different from the nominal time signature. But it does seem to work on larger selections as well, and appears to leave non-empty measures alone. No guarantees on that though, so do test this before relying on it too much.

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