Use of ellipsis in OpenScore subtitles

• May 19, 2017 - 04:54

I am currently working on the French translation of the OpenScore Kickstarter video's subtitles, essentially looking for minor grammar and typography errors.

I noticed that the source text and some translations (if not all, I haven't checked) use three dots (...), in the same way one would use an ellipsis (…), at the beginning or at the end of strings to mark the continuation of a sentence over multiple strings.

By looking at some human-typed subtitles, mainly some TED talks and the MuseScore in Minutes lessons, I noticed that no ellipses are used. Some articles I have read online also discourage the use of ellipses in subtitles to indicate continuation of a sentence in the next string.

Therefore, should I remove the ellipses (actually three dots) from the translated French strings? Should they also be removed from the source text and from the other translations?


I wondered about this myself as well. Shoogle made the subtitles and he followed some standard set forth by the BBC. It may have been an outdated one. We will remove the ... from the subtitles.

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