Software that Converts Sheet Music in Staff Notation to Tonic Sol Fa (do,re, me, fa, etc.)
Is anyone aware of any software that converts either:
1. Sheet Music written in Staff Notation to Tonic Sol Fa (do, re, me, fa, etc.)
2. Digital Music in MP3 or Wav format to Sheet Music in Tonic Sol Fa
I am currently on Windows 10 but am willing to explore any suitable solution on other SW platforms including Mac.
Many thanks
Michael Reidy
Welcome Michael Reidy, see:
In reply to Welcome Michael Reidy, see: by Shoichi
Please I want this transcribed to tonic solfa
In reply to Please I want this… by shrecks
I need this piece of music to be transcribed to tonic solfa
In reply to I need this piece of music… by onyeka_okonkwo
Did you actually read this thread? Shoichi gave you a link to instructions to do this in MuS above and Jojo described how to do it below (which he had also done in the link provided by Shoichi).
As Jojo said in one of these two threads, how much are you willing to pay for me to do this? (especially considering you can do it yourself just by reading a little)
In reply to Welcome Michael Reidy, see: by Shoichi
Please I want this transcribed to tonic solfa NOTATION
In reply to Please I want this… by simonchenwie1
Transscribe it into MuseScore as is first. Then change to Tonic SolFa (why does that remind me of Gin Tonic?)
In reply to Transscribe it into… by Jojo-Schmitz
how pls?
In reply to Please I want this… by simonchenwie1
Please I need this song Glorious to be transcribed to solfa... Please help
For #1, if you mean you have some printed sheet music you want to "digitize" and convert to another format, that's a hard problem. There do exist some tools that can try to work from a PDF to create a usable electronic representation, but it tends to work not very well - think, like what the very first experimental versions of Siri probably were like. But if you'd liek to give it a shot, try File / Import PDF from within MuseScore.
As hard as #1 is, #2 is even harder - that technology basically doesn't exist for the very simplest of cases.
Basically, you're usually better off just entering the music into MuseScore manually. And then creating the Tonic Sol Fa notion from that yourself.
In reply to For #1, if you mean you have by Marc Sabatella
Hi, basically you are saying better do a manual convertion from stuff notation to Sol fa , considering we do not have any technology exists, right?
If this is the case can you share some rules behind this convertion. Like what is from Stuff notation should map with same in Sol fa? etc
In reply to Hi, basically you are saying… by Shinu Koshy
Not at all. Converting from staff notation to tonic sl fa is pretty easy - if the staff notation is already in MuseScore (or some other notation program). If all you have is a printed sheet of paper, then the hard part is getting from there into software - that's the part that realistically one may need to do manually. But once it is in the software, translating to tonic sol fa is, again, pretty easy.
In reply to Not at all. Converting from… by Marc Sabatella
How do I translate my work into solfa
In reply to How do I translate my work… by Idynath
In reply to [inline:when-i-survey-the… by roex91
In reply to Not at all. Converting from… by Marc Sabatella
Please how can I convert the soft copy of my music sheet into solfa and vice versa?
In reply to Please how can I convert the… by solfadvd
Set the corresponding option in the staff properties:
In reply to Please how can I convert the… by solfadvd
Not sure I am too late. Its pretty easy. I have been using Sibelius for converting staff notation to tonic solfa
In reply to Not sure I am too late. Its… by Kejaroko Pieru
Please how do I use Sibelius? or can u help me out using Sibelius?
In reply to Not at all. Converting from… by Marc Sabatella
Hello. I really love your answer. But I was wondering how that might be possible ( transcribing from staff to solfa). What software is used ?
In reply to Hello. I really love your… by ngudelsen
MuseScore is used
See the answer right above yours: "Set the corresponding option in the staff properties: "
In reply to Not at all. Converting from… by Marc Sabatella
Please can you explain how that can be done?
In reply to Please can you explain how… by almypat
If you can first explain what specifically you mean by "that" :-)
Supplementary question: is anyone aware of OCR software which can convert printed sol-fa notation to staff notation as MusicXML?
I have a song for men's voices (I think TTBB) which was written in 1906 and was only published as a sol-fa edition. Getting a copy of the original manuscript is difficult or impossible...
In reply to And is anyone aware of OCR… by DanielR
Contact me and I'll transcribe for you at a cost
In reply to Contact me and I'll… by kennethhope03
Thank you for the kind offer, but in the gap between my original post and now the problem has been solved!
I would like the tonic solfa notation please
In reply to I would like the tonic solfa… by Baia Kurbah
See also
I have just posted the solfa and the lyrics without the staff notation. Is that what you're looking for? Download and let me know your comments.
In reply to I have just posted the solfa… by Anthony Nyamful
Sir how I downloaded an app that play music and show solfa also
I have just posted the solfa and the lyrics without the staff notation. Is that what you're looking for? Download and let me know your comments.
Sibelius application is able to typeset only solfa notation. I've posted the steps to doing that on YouTube. Type the following in the search engine :The typesetting of only solfa notation with Sibelius application..
In reply to Sibelius application is able… by Anthony Nyamful
how can i get the sibelius application
In reply to how can i get the sibelius… by user504369351
You can buy it from
Hi, everyone am Eddie and am new here, i just got elected to take the position of a music director and i need help on how to be able to get the tonic sol fa (do, re, me, fa, etc.) to the songs i will be teaching the choir and i will need it for this song ( HE CARES FOR ME BY EDIFIED GOSPEL) Thanks
In reply to Hi, everyone am Eddie and am… by queckuec1
In reply to See… by mike320
thanks mike but how can get the link to the musescore software
In reply to thanks mike but how can get… by queckuec1
please convert this staff notation to tonic solfa NOT FOUND: cover-large_file[1.png]
In reply to please convert this staff… by esita
MuseScoore can't convert PNGs into scores, but it can chan te a 'normal' staff notation into a Tonic Solfa notation via Staff Properties. See (also mentione further up)
I really want tonic solfa notation today
In reply to I really want tonic solfa… by anyngnewme918
See my post directly above yours (and ignore the typos)
Hi. to everyone. Is there a software that can write staff notation at the same time with solfege. For example, the software that can write staff and puts solfege on the top of the notes that is easier for the beginners?
I am currently using forte 11 premium for writing staff but I try to look other things and a fail to locate.
In reply to Hi. to everyone. Is there a… by asababusinge8
MuseScore should be perfectly capable of this, the details would just depend on how you want to notate the solfege. If it's just plain text, the various plugins for adding the that should work, or at most need slight adaptations for the specific type of solfege you want (there are several different versions).
if you can explain in more detail what you are looking to achieve - and ideally show a picture of an example - we can understand and assist better.
In reply to MuseScore should be… by Marc Sabatella
please can this be converted? and do i do it
In reply to please can this be converted… by jjbauna
I mean covert to Tonic Solfa
In reply to I mean covert to Tonic Solfa by jjbauna
Open Inspector. Right-Click on a notehead. Select >All Similar Elements. In Inspector, change Head scheme to "Solfège Moveable Do". This will place the Do Re Mi names in the noteheads. Now you can easily enter Staff Text and copy (i.e. you enter it note by note) the Do's, Re's, Mi's etc. You can then change the noteheads back to normal when you are finished.
In reply to Open Inspector. Right-Click… by underquark
Thank for your reply, but it does not present all the symbols of solfa notation. If I get you very well, it means I will still have to type the Solfa manually using the do re mi names that appear in the notes head. I was thinking there could be a way to automatically convert what was typed in staff to solfa notation, just like its obtainable with Sibelius. But i do appreciate your reply.
In reply to Thank for your reply, but it… by jjbauna
Are you referring to one of the various the shaped notation, with different note heads for the different pitches? That’s supported too. Thousands of other symbols too. If you explain in more detail what want - there are lots of different types of notation under the “solfa” umbrella - we can show you how to achieve it.
Please help me transcribe the attached file to Solfa notation
In reply to Please help me transcribe… by borketeyborte
First step is to transscribe it into MuseScore as is, some 30 minutes work...
In reply to Please help me transcribe… by borketeyborte
Second step is to change staff properties from Normal to Solfa, a matter of seconds
In reply to Please help me transcribe… by borketeyborte
Third step is to correct typos, left as an excercise to the reader ;-)
I want to convert this staff to tonic
Please I want this to solfa notes and it's really urgent, I don't mind getting it done today, thank you in anticipation
I need this to be translated by note like Do re mi etc. just show me the order so I know
In reply to I need this to be translated… by 29jchristian
Just enter it into MuseScore, then change the Note head schema
Please convert Tonic Solfa
In reply to Please convert Tonic Solfa by sarsing826
There are no magic conversion fairies. Read the thread and follow the instructions given, at least twice above. No one is going to do this for you.
I want to transcribe my music to solfa
In reply to I want to transcribe my… by danstelas
What am I to do next
In reply to What am I to do next by danstelas
Read the instructions in this thread and follow them ... as has been stated about five times in the thread already.
I want to transcribe my music to solfa