MuseScore icon

• Jun 4, 2013 - 16:29

Due to some unclear action on my side the standard MuseScore icon for all my MuseScore sheet music files has changed into some stupid standard Windows icon.
How can I change this back to the MuseScore icon? I did try several things without success.
I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
Thanks in advance.


In reply to by xavierjazz

Well, I did a re-install and (what a relief!) the original icon is restored!
But......, MuseScore also produces a '.(filename).mscz,' file. Do not know why but
its icon is that of wordpad. Can I leave it that way or does this file serve a special
purpose and do I also have to change this?

thanks for the information and ... good luck
of course you have also tried
(Spes ultima dea/Hope last goddess)

I found one other thing:…
certainly there is a match in your language (try Google Translate)
"... To solve the problem it was released the following hotfix Broken shortcuts are deleted from the desktop in Windows 7 ..."

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