Curly bracket won't stay expanded.

• Jun 4, 2017 - 23:33

I'm trying to attach a curly bracket to this piece. The handle jumps back to start point and won't save expanded. I am on the music team for Distributed Proofreaders. I'm trying to recreate this piece for an online book.

Attachment Size
pag65_score1.jpg 198.69 KB
pag65_score1.mscz 7.18 KB


See attached with follow changes:

1. Typed the (a) inside of the text at the top; no reason for it to be a separated displaced staff text. Just type it inline, highlight it and use the text toolbar at the bottom to make it italic.

2. Showed the invisible instruments, then applied the bracket to the top staff. Double click it and drag handle down to the 2nd staff. Save. Re-hide the hidden instruments. Save/Re-open -> bracket stays spanning the two staves.

3. Used actual lines in which the hook and start text properties were changed; this ensures the lines are always anchored to the correct notes and will follow layout-changes automatically.

4. Changed the actual measure duration of the final measure to 1/8 -> less rests to hide now :)

5. Double clicked a barline in the top staff. Drag the handle down to the 2nd staff. Click on an empty space -> all barlines now span accross both staves.

Attachment Size
215856_pag65_score1.mscz 8.08 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Wow! Great stuff! Got all of it except the anchored text. I click on a note to start the text. Why does it not anchor to the note? What is a hook?

I also forgot about the hidden instrument staves. I used your method, but deleted the unused staves afterward. If I had done it before, it wouldn't have been a problem.

In reply to by judeeylander

If you create a staff text element, it is anchored to the note, but only to the start note.
In your first version, you had created the lines by typing |---------| as text. The start point of that "line" would always be correctly linked to the start note you've attached the text to; but the end point is not linked to the end note.
If then for some reason (line breaks, measure stretching) that end note changes position; your "line" would not change its length to match.

Using an actual line (bottom left in the lines palette in Advanced workspace) it links both its start and end-points to a note.
The "hook" is the vertical line at the start/end of the (horizontal) line. Right-click one of the ones in my example and choose Line Properties…. There you will find to option to show the hook at the start and end of the line and change their respective lengths.

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