Irregular grouping of notes in a measure of 9/8 (2+3+2+2)

• Jul 9, 2013 - 16:23

I am having trouble with the grouping of the notes in a measure of 9/8. Specifically, I would like to notate music that is grouped as 2+3+2+2 but the program does not let me do that. Instead, it groups them in three groups of 3/8 (3+3+3) which is completely different than the feel of the Greek dance I am transcribing. Can you please help me how to solve this problem? Thanking you in advance.

European University Cyprus


You can change the beaming for a particular measure. See Beam .
However there is currently no way in Musescore 1.3 to specify beaming rules for the whole score.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

You are trying to use the new 2.0 feature, not the method described under Beam mentioned in a reply above. That method - breaking and joining beams individually - always work. The new feature where you can specify *default* beam groupings works "sometimes". I haven't worked out when it does and when it doesn't.

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