
• Sep 10, 2013 - 01:04

I am making parts from a score for 5 instruments. When I edit spacing I keep ending up with at least one measure thats the whole width of the page. Hwo do i do this correctly?


Ron LeGault


Posting the score itself is always helpful so we can see what you are talking about. Also be sure to tead the Handbook on Layout and formatting . If you still have questions, please post the scote and describe exactly what you are trying to do (eg, *how* are you trying to "edit spacing").

Hint: the { and } commands to reduce / increase stretch are your friends.

I have read the manual and the link that you sent me. i still have a measure that is one line wide. I try using the brackets that the manual suggests and nothing happens.

Also, how do i post my score so you can review/



In reply to by rlegault

Well, you can't just randomly hit the brackets. You have to first decide which measures you want narrow or wider, the select them. If you have a measure all by itself, presumably you wanted it ne the previous line, but there wasn't room. So you'd to need to select all the measures on the previous line as well as the measure by itself and to the recude stretch command ine or more times until they are narrow enough to fit. But again, we're just gussng at what actually is actually gong on here, so hopefully you'll find those "File attachments" controls (right below where you type).

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